Saturday, November 13, 2010

(Something About Fatness)

Broods - 2010
After their debut LP in 2006, entitled Pregnant Babies Pregnant with Pregnant Babies (and come on, you know you've had this discussion of the Russian doll effect of pregnant babies before in both intoxicated and sober states), Fat Worm of Error had little more output on the market for the last four years, with the exception of some cd-r's and split tapes (full discography here).  This year, however, the eccentric collective of free jazz noise spastics, featuring previous members of Deerhoof, have gotten down to business and back on the radar, first with their vinyl LP release, Broods, on Ecstatic Peace! and now this month with their latest, Ambivalence and the Beaker, on Resipiscent, which in my understanding, has been circulating with a different cover as far back as 2008 (update - beyond cover art changes, the music is also significantly remixed and remastered - thanks pilastr). 

Ambivalence and the Beaker - 2010
 Carrying on with the band's signature elements, the same chaotic buzzes reminiscent of Yuma Nora speckle the speakers, occasionally erupting into neo-dada antics and playful vocal experimentations.  Like with Babies, the band succeeds in a rich and elaborate dynamic that doesn't bore the listener in its silly indulgences, but rather keeps things in constant movement and the general output in a satisfyingly thoughtful progression.  But what really matters is that Fat Worm is just fucking fun, and ultimately sounds like an auditory representation of muppet rape (unlike Pitchfork, I will not apologize for the use of the word).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Return Your Purchased Holiday Gifts, the Best Bet for Your Loved Ones Arrives

I actually have a lot of posts and reviews lined up, with the slump in blog productivity due to a great deal of testing I am currently undergoing.  However, something so fantastic, stunning, and limited has appeared within my scope that I must put down the books and relay the gospel of this event with the greatest of urgency.  Drum roll.

MERZBOW IS RELEASING A 12 DISC BOX SET OF AMBIENT NOISE.  And just in time for X-Mas!  As I have yet to hear this treasure, titled Merzbient (clever!), I can at LEAST show you images of the remarkable, beautiful packaging, and I can tell you that Boomkat recommends it to Kevin Drumm fans.  If you're an asshole and really need more motivation than that to blow the $150 or so on a box of noise, then might I mention its limitedness (only 555 copies made, amazon is sold out [it apparently came out October 26, and sneaked past me]).