Thursday, November 11, 2010

Return Your Purchased Holiday Gifts, the Best Bet for Your Loved Ones Arrives

I actually have a lot of posts and reviews lined up, with the slump in blog productivity due to a great deal of testing I am currently undergoing.  However, something so fantastic, stunning, and limited has appeared within my scope that I must put down the books and relay the gospel of this event with the greatest of urgency.  Drum roll.

MERZBOW IS RELEASING A 12 DISC BOX SET OF AMBIENT NOISE.  And just in time for X-Mas!  As I have yet to hear this treasure, titled Merzbient (clever!), I can at LEAST show you images of the remarkable, beautiful packaging, and I can tell you that Boomkat recommends it to Kevin Drumm fans.  If you're an asshole and really need more motivation than that to blow the $150 or so on a box of noise, then might I mention its limitedness (only 555 copies made, amazon is sold out [it apparently came out October 26, and sneaked past me]).

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