Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Behold, Some New Things

Stuff that you should already be listening to but may not be because you're dumb/uninformed.

Zach Hill "Face Tat" - Okay, there's not a great deal of surprises from Hella drummer Zach Hill here:  chaotic yet mathematically precise eruptions of satanic drumming with static-filled currents zapping throughout, ripping ass of all those in the path of its destruction.  The only real surprise is just how much ass is getting ripped and what an improvement this record is from the last solo outing.  So highly recommended.  Cheapest if you download from Zach's bandcamp page.

Salem "King Night" - Salem isn't exactly an obscure subject right now.  In fact, they're about to blow up.  It's inevitable.  This record just impresses anyone who hears it.  Just show them the first track, and they'll go get their own copy of the record.  I'm feeling reluctant to elaborate more than that, because words can't really do justice to the enormous power and awesomeness of this overdriven drum machine epic-goth sexsplosion.  The title track will end up on a film or trailer.  I would bet everything in my possession on that.  Just fucking get it before it becomes too overplayed, because it most certainly will be.

Parlour "Simulacrenfield" - More post rock from Temporary Residence, the label that refuses to give up on this overdone genre.  Parlour, however, add a beautiful horn/woodwind section to the mix,  not like that of the last Do Make Say Think record, which was good, but more like a Harold Budd composition, which is better.


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