Friday, May 14, 2010

Retrospective #2 - mom supports my noise habits

Why am I reviewing a bunch of old media? Because none of these current lazy nonchalants that you fuckers love so damn much are making anything worth a shit!!! So you go to your little Pitchdork and read reviews of the latest irony soaked indie-dance Casio keyboard monstrosity to fill your hunger for newness. Come back and see me when you're ready for quality. Oh, you'll be back. You will.

Today I lust for my youth through a little gem that I like to credit for making me who I am today. America is Dreaming of Universal String Theory by Azusa Plane changed me. At the time of its release, I was merely an impressionable 15 year-old in a small town in Tennessee.

"Mom, can you write me a check for fifteen dollars and mail it to Colorful Clouds for Acoustics?"

"Well, I suppose, since you made all A's..."


I remember placing the disc in my bass-y stereo from Wal-Mart, and drifting away in the thick, crunchy-smooth walls of warm, womb-like fuzz-drone. The satisfied smile on my face could not be removed until my mother would barge in and ask in sincere concern if my stereo was broken.

Azusa Plane was lone member Jason DiEmilio, who sadly ended his life in 2006.

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